Sunday, August 13, 2017

13th August 2017 - Sunday Sermon

Title - The Fruit of The Spirit (Kindness)

Main Text:- Galatians 5:22 (ASV)

Teacher: Deaconess Ruth Ogundipe

Kindness is:
1) Been friendly, generous & affectionate (Galatians 5:22)

2) Forgiving (Eph 4:32)

3) Correcting in love (Psalms 141:5)

4) Prayerful (Gen 24:12-15)

5) Remembers you for good  (2 Samuel 9:1-10)

6) Does not grumble (1 Cor 10.10)

7) Tells everyone about Christ

8) Overlooks & Pardons (Prov 19:11)

9) Inspires others

Prayer Points

1) Jesus, do not let my kindness be mis-interpreted (2 Samuel 10:1-4)

2) Lord let me be shown unusual kindness (Acts 28:2)

3) Help me to provide and show unusual kindness to others (Acts 28:2)

4) Help me not to be a forgetful receiver of your blessing (1 Cor 10:10)