Sunday 30th March 2014 (mother's day)
Title - An excellent woman
Teacher:- Sister Ola Olaseinde
Main Text:- Psalms 45:6-7
Bible Passages:- Proverbs 17:22, Nehemiah 8:10, Hebrews 1:9, 1 Samuel 16:1-3.
Who is an excellent woman ?
Her heart, mind and tongue is of God. She is never idle.
She is the gardener, cook, help, uses her tongue for kind words, her husband praises her and even much more.
Men, please note it is important you praise your wives at all times.
They do a lot for us that we may not even recognize
Characteristics of an excellent woman.
1. A woman with a vision
She understands the glory of her calling and fulfills her purpose.
Let us take Mary as an example.
she knew her vision as stated in Luke 1:28 and she worked to reach her goal
Luke 1:48
She must have gone through a lot of mockery (an unmarried woman with baby was a thing of disgrace)
however, she did not let go of her vision/dreams
she did not give up on Jesus even to the point of his death on the cross
b). This is another characteristic of an excellent woman
She never gives up in prayer, raising her children and allowing unity abound in the family
Abigail although married to a churlish husband was still regarded in the bible as a woman of understand
1sam 25:3
2. Be ready to pay the price 2 Tim 2:3
It is not easy to be an excellent woman. It HURTS. Rom 15.1
However you must remember that before gold turned into a valuable substance, it had gone through fire.
Make Jesus you're number. He will make you excellent woman. Mathew 22:211
Happy Mother's day :)