Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sunday 27th September 2015

Title - Beware of Contamination

Teacher:- Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Main Text:- 2 Kings 6:14-17. 

Bible Passages:- Numbers 13:33,2 Samuel 11:1-5, Rom 10:17, John 8:47, Jeremiah 15:16, Genesis 25:29-34

There are several ways the devil has contaminated the world today. He has contaminated, destinies, communities, and much more.

There are 3 ways one could be contaminated

a) Through what we see

 i) Physical eyes - (2 Kings 6:14-17, Numbers 13:33)

How do your spend your leisure time. Beware of Contamination during these times 2 Samuel 11:1-5

 ii)Inner eyes 

 iii) Spiritual Eyes

b)What we hear Rom 10:17, John 8:47, Ps 1:1-3

c) What we eat - Jeremiah 15:16

There are things we shouldn't consume:

- our birthright/Future Genesis 25:29-34

- Tithe 

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Sunday 9th August 2015

Title - Goodly/Godly Inheritance

Teacher:- Pastor Innocence Iddo

Main Text:- 1 Kings 21:1-4

Bible Passages:- Psalm 16:5-6.

Case Study : Naboth (From 1 kings 29:1-4).
Naboth had a vineyard that was inherited from his ancestral line. However, the king (Ahab) requested his land to plant vegetables. The king offered him huge amount of silver & gold yet he refused.

Why Did Naboth refuse the offer: 
3) Only thing he has (His inheritance)

Similarly Jesus has died for us. Taken the consequences of our sins our transgressions hence the reward of his salvation is our inheritance.

Some of us have traded our inheritance but there is hope. Remember the prodigal son, though he lost his inheritance, his father restored him everything he lost. similarly, God is our father and is able to restore all that we have lost.

Call Unto Him and He will answer you