Sunday 15th February 2015
Title - Enduring Victory
Teacher:- Pastor Paul Orimolusi
Main Text:- James 1:27
Bible Passages:- Joshua 2:1, Gal 6:10, 2 Sam 9:1-13, Joshua 6:25, Matt 5:13-16
People don't care about what you know until they know that you care. Compassion and mercy are of the Lord.
We cannot separate Christianity from acts of kindness/doing good. We can't successfully reach out to souls without first showing kindness
Lamentations 3:22-23
To whom should we show kindness?
1. The widow - James 1:27
2. The orphans
3. The household of faith. Joshua 2:1-END
4. Our neighbors and perishing individuals, Gal 6:10
The benefits of kindness:
1. The kindness you show today can speak for you tomorrow, 2 Sam 9:1-13
2. Acts of kindness can bring salvation to our household. Joshua 6:25
3. It authenticates our profession that we are God's children INDEED! Matt 5:13-16
4. It attracts eternal blessings. Matt 25:34-37
Anyone that knows good and fails to do it, to him/her it is SIN. Anyone that does evil unto his/her brother, evil will not depart from that household.
Prayer Point: Almighty God, I want to resemble You in character and in the way I do things. I want to be a genuine Christian. Please don't let me give up in doing good. The same way Jesus was known for going around doing good, please also let me known for good things.