Sunday 22nd March 2015
Title - I Shall End Well
Teacher:- Pastor Paul Orimolusi
Main Text:- Deut 32:29, John 19:30
Bible Passages:- Isa 55:7, 1 Tim 1:14-17, Pro 27:7, Gen 25:29-34, 2 Cor 6:2, John 14:1-3
There are 3 important periods in person's life, (it has nothing to do with religion, gender or status in the community), these periods happen to everyone. They are the PAST, the PRESENT and the FUTURE.
Things we need to do/know concerning our past:-
1. Forsake our evil ways.
2. We must come to Jesus Christ with a clean heart, confessing that there is nothing good in us, and that we want to live for Him.
3. We must remember the pit that God lifted us from, and appreciate God for it 1 Tim 1:14-17
Things we need to do/know concerning our present:-
1. Do not sell your birthright, your relationship with God is very important! The enemy is trying to get our soul! Whatsoever we do today will affect our future. Pro 27:7, Gen 25:29-34
2. Do not procrastinate the day of your salvation. What you need to do today, don't postpone it till tomorrow. 2 Cor 6:2
3. Do not despise/look down on anyone, because of who the person is today. Don't consider yourself holier than anyone else. A terrible sinner today that repents of his sin and become the HOLIEST in the hands of God.
Don't use what other people are going through now to judge their tomorrow.
Things we need to do/know concerning our future/end:-
1. We must commit our future into the hands of God
2. Be mindful of where we are going to spend our eternity John 14:1-3. Every decision you make today will determine where we end up. Not everyone that started well will end well, and not everyone that started badly will end badly.
Jesus Christ loves you and wants you to spend eternity with Him in paradise.
Things we need to do/know concerning our past:-
1. Forsake our evil ways.
2. We must come to Jesus Christ with a clean heart, confessing that there is nothing good in us, and that we want to live for Him.
3. We must remember the pit that God lifted us from, and appreciate God for it 1 Tim 1:14-17
Things we need to do/know concerning our present:-
1. Do not sell your birthright, your relationship with God is very important! The enemy is trying to get our soul! Whatsoever we do today will affect our future. Pro 27:7, Gen 25:29-34
2. Do not procrastinate the day of your salvation. What you need to do today, don't postpone it till tomorrow. 2 Cor 6:2
3. Do not despise/look down on anyone, because of who the person is today. Don't consider yourself holier than anyone else. A terrible sinner today that repents of his sin and become the HOLIEST in the hands of God.
Don't use what other people are going through now to judge their tomorrow.
Things we need to do/know concerning our future/end:-
1. We must commit our future into the hands of God
2. Be mindful of where we are going to spend our eternity John 14:1-3. Every decision you make today will determine where we end up. Not everyone that started well will end well, and not everyone that started badly will end badly.
Jesus Christ loves you and wants you to spend eternity with Him in paradise.