Sunday 29th November 2015
Title - It is an Idol! Don't Bow To It
Teacher:- Pastor Paul Orimolusi
Main Text:- Isaiah 42:8, Exodus 20:3-6.
Bible Passages:- John 14:31, John 12:31, John 10:10, Acts 16:16-18, 1 John 2:15-17, Philippians 4:6, Mathew 5:11-12, Genesis 25:29, Genesis 25:34, Daniel 3:8-28
God clearly states in the book of Is 42:8, He is God and will not share His Glory with anyone.
The Devil is aware that God is a jealous God (Ex 20:5) and does his best to make man turn contrary to God's word
His main objective is to kill steal & destroy (To Kill dreams and destroy lives)
An example of how he has succeeded in deceiving a lot of people is that the more they kill, the greater their reward in heaven
How the devil deceives christians
1) Money (Quick rich schemes with the use of power, magic)
2) Popularity/Fame
3) Power (absolute power corrupts absolutely)
4) Acquisition of Material Things
5) Fake Miracles
The devil's luring techniques
1) Put fears into one's heart (e.g.fear of tomorrow)
2) Fear of Rejection
3) Drugs/Drinking/cult
4) starvation/Hunger
5) Watches our weakest moments
Once you give your life to Christ, - Hell breaks loose, -Devil enters into the heart of close companions to discourage you. However, do not loose courage, God is with you always and you will overcome once you stand by Him.