Sunday, January 31, 2016

Sunday 30th January 2016

Title - Fire of Revival

Teacher:- Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Main Text:- Leviticus 6:12-13 

Bible Passages:- Acts 3:19-21, Revelations 2:4, 1 Kings 18:30, Isaiah 6:5, Luke 11:24-26, Judges 16:20, 1 Kings 19:1-4

PDP of Revival 

 P - Pre Revival

 D - During Revival

 P - Pro Revival

P For "Pre Revival"
1) Genuine Repentance Acts 3:19-21 'Genuine Repentance must precede Revival'

2) Repair and Restitute our ways 

  • Repair the broken alter of your heart 1 Kings 18:30
  • Restitute our ways to both God and man
3) -Persistent Prayer (just as John Knoxx prayed "Lord give me Scotland or I die)

D For "During Revival" 
1)  - Miracles, Signs & Wonders
2) - See Spiritual Nakedness
3) - Possess Spiritual boldness

P For "Pro Revival"
1) Hell breaks loose Luke 11:24-26
2) The devil begins to harass the revived Ephesians 6:13

- Father I commit myself to your hands

- Lord I thank you for every good prophecy that has been said in my life, Lord let all those prophecies come to pass

- Lord Grant me the ability to pray intensively so my glory will shine and this year shall be the best of my life indeed

- Father please remove every Fire extinguisher from my life in Jesus Name

- Every harassment in our lives, Arise Lord Jesus and fight for us

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Sunday 24th January 2016

Title - Revival (Part 2)

Teacher:- Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Main Text:- Psalms 85:6.

Bible Passages:- Psalm 85:6, Revelation 3:17, Romans 12:2, 1 Cor 10:12, Revelations 12:7-12, 1 Thess 2:17-19, Galatians 5:17, John 4:24, Psalms 122:1

Hindrances to Revival 

1. Satan and his agents Rev 12:7-12, 1Thess 2:17-18

2. Works of the flesh (as the flesh and spirit never agree) Gal 5:17

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Sunday 17th January 2016

Title - Revival

Teacher:- Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Main Text:- Psalms 85:6.

Bible Passages:- Prov 17:22, Romans 3:12, Mark 1:35, Mathew 7:3-5,

History shows Turkey was previously a Christian Nation. However the devil gradually crept in and turned the hearts of people away from God

Meaning of Revival

- Being sensitive to the step of our spiritual poverty Revelation 3:17
- Transformation of inner mind that brings out Godly character Rom 12:2
- Mirror ourselves with the Word of God Matthew 7:3-5
- Not just selecting the Word of God that is convenient for you.
- seeing good things in others and correct the bad attitude in a loving manner

What Revival is not 

- Flowing with worldly trend (anything that is not traceable to the scriptures)
- A change of wardrobe (a lot of people are in trend with fashion yet ignore the revival of their soul)
- The ability to speak Eloquently (without spiritually filling the soul with the word of God)
 - About acquiring material possessions (Car Change)

Are You Ready for a Revival ?

Friday 15th January 2016

Title - Fight For Your Inheritance in Christ

Teacher:- Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Main Text:- Eph 6:12.

Bible Passages:- Acts 12:23,Ex 32:26, John 15:14

We are in the age/time that requires us to fight for our inheritance in Christ.
Fight (prayer)is Inevitable.

Remember, nothing precious comes by Easily, hence we have to fight for our inheritance in Christ Matt 11:12

Categories of the Fight against the Devil
1. Principalities, Powers & darkness of the world Eph 6:12
2. The Likes of: 
  • Pharaoh
  • - Jezebel
  • - Anak
  • - Goliath 
  • - Hamaan 
  • - King Herod 
Such Forces who refuse to let you go & Serve God (Acts 12:23)

How to win the fight

Make Jesus Your Ally Ex 32:26, John 15:14, Prov 16:7

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Sunday 10th January 2016

Title - Make Your Prohecies & Dreams work

Teacher:- Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Main Text:- 2 Tim 3:1-6.

Bible Passages:- 2 Tim 3:1-6, 2 Chronicles 20:20, 1 Kings 18:43-44, Prov 22:28-29, Joshua 24:15. 

Prophecy: An information concerning a particular issue in a person's life 

Dreams: Source of information concerning what God has planned for your life or your aspirations

How To Make Your Dreams Work 
1. Check if those dreams/prophecies are from God 2 Tim 3:1-6

2. Believe 2 Chronicles 20:20

3. Have Faith

4. Persistent Prayer (Pray until something happens) 1 Kings 18:43-44

5. Study the word of God

6. Work Hard Prov 22:28-29

7. Do The Will of God 

8. Flee Sin