Sunday, January 17, 2016

Sunday 17th January 2016

Title - Revival

Teacher:- Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Main Text:- Psalms 85:6.

Bible Passages:- Prov 17:22, Romans 3:12, Mark 1:35, Mathew 7:3-5,

History shows Turkey was previously a Christian Nation. However the devil gradually crept in and turned the hearts of people away from God

Meaning of Revival

- Being sensitive to the step of our spiritual poverty Revelation 3:17
- Transformation of inner mind that brings out Godly character Rom 12:2
- Mirror ourselves with the Word of God Matthew 7:3-5
- Not just selecting the Word of God that is convenient for you.
- seeing good things in others and correct the bad attitude in a loving manner

What Revival is not 

- Flowing with worldly trend (anything that is not traceable to the scriptures)
- A change of wardrobe (a lot of people are in trend with fashion yet ignore the revival of their soul)
- The ability to speak Eloquently (without spiritually filling the soul with the word of God)
 - About acquiring material possessions (Car Change)

Are You Ready for a Revival ?

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