Sunday, November 27, 2016

Sunday 27th November 2016

Title - Fear Not

Teacher:-  Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Main Text:- Isaiah 41.10

Fear is a monstrous spirit that terrorizes people. 

What Fear Can do to a person 
1) It makes something fake appear real
2) It could paralyze an indivual
3) It torments 1 John 4.18
4) It can imprison a person
5) It is filled with negativity

Why are people afraid 
1) Lack of Faith in God Heb 11:1&6
2) Not Knowing what the future holds
3) Evil Report(s)

Why you shouldn't fear 
1) What you fear may become a god
2) When fear, You belittle god 
3) What you fear may eventually Job 3:25

How to overcome fear
Be Righteous John 8.29

Prayer Point
Ex 23.27 & Deut 2:25, Ps 23.4

Sunday 20th November 2016

Title - The Mercy of God?

Teacher:-  Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Main Text:- Romans 9:15-16

Other Bible Texts: Mark 10:46-52, Esther 2:15, 5:2, Job 1:6-7, Psalms 23:6, Mathew 5:7, James 1:27, Isaiah 38:3, Philippians 2:25-27, Heb 4.16, 2 Sam 7.15, 2 Cor 6:1-2.

Things To Know About Mercy

1) The Mercy of God is a mystery - Romans 9:15-21

2) For anyone that obtains the mercy of God, all protocols will be suspended - Mark 10:46-52, Esther 2:15, 5:2

3) Mercy has companions Psalms 23:6, Exodus 33.19

4) Mercy is a seed, It can be sown Matt 5:7, James 1:27, Isaiah 38:3.

5) Where anointing stops, mercy takes over Philippians 2:25-27

6) You can ask for God's Mercy Heb 4.16

7) Mercy can be withdrawn 2 Sam 7.15, 2 Cor 6:1-2

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Sunday 13th November 2016

Title - Why Double Portion?

Teacher:-  Pastor Clement

Main Text:- 2 Kings 13:14-20

Other Bible Texts: 2 Kings 2:9-10, Prov 24.10, Job 1:6-9, Rev 2:13, Jer 12.5
The main point of consideration here is from vs 19 of the main text.

In the book of 2 Kings 2:9-10, why did Elisha ask his master for a double portion of anointing?

Elisha could have easily asked Elijah for the same portion of anointing his master possessed. However, he asked for a double portion. He clearly understood that the power to defeat the battle of yesterday, is not sufficient for the battle of tomorrow.

No wonder Elisha was angry with King Joash because he knew the battle awaiting him was great. So also we need to be steadfast and stay awake at all times.

Consider David, little did he know after defeating bears and lions in the bush, he would face Goliath. If he relied on the strength used to overcome the animals, how could he defeat Goliath? If he relied on the strength used to defeat Goliath, how could he have overcome Saul?

In life, after overcoming one battle, there is a greater one ahead.
Because the Devil is constantly looking for means to bring us down (Job 1:6-9), we must never rely on the strength of yesterday.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Sunday 6th November 2016

Title - You Cannot be Praiseful, Unless You are Thankful

Teacher:-  Minister John Adedeji

Main Text:- Psalms 100.4

What is thanksgiving?
1. Recounting the past acts of God. 
It is simply counting your blessings Ps 103:1-2
2. It is an Attitude of Gratitude to God for what He has done for you
3. It is a force that moves your heart to celebrate the Acts of God in your life

Why Must We Give Thanks
1. It is a good thing Ps 92:1
2. It is the Will of God 1Thess 5:18
3. It is the key to access the promise of God Heb 10.36
4. Your prayer is NOT complete without thanksgiving Phil 4.6
5. Thanksgiving turns dead things into life, John 11.41

Gratitude is a spiritual force that empowers you to scale higher. You cannot change to higher level without it.

What Makes Thanksgiving Powerful
1. Thanksgiving paves the way for fresh impact Ps 89:20-24
2. It is the key to your supernatural victory 2 Chron 20:22-24
3. Multiplication answer to gratitude John 6:6-13
4. Thanksgiving establishes you in the house of God Ps 92:1-3
5. Sustainable fruitfulness Ps 92:14

Key Points
1. Praise is a powerful instrument, it attracts God's presence. If you have being struggling with a problem, try praise. It can change your life because, as you praise God, the earth releases her increase and you would be blessed

2.  Being thankless and unappreciative has a negative impact on the human heart

3. An attitude of praise and thanksgiving makes a merry heart. 
A merry heart does good like medicine. It takes a joyful heart to go through a day, week, month challenges not withstanding

4. Amazingly, many people think it is their duty to worry over issues. 
Murmuring, complaining and worrying does not solve any problem
But praise and thanksgiving ventilates your mind and allows you to think straight

The height of a building is determined by its foundation

When you start well and continue in the same your end shall surely be successful

Your attitude determines your altitude