Thursday, June 21, 2018

21st of June 2018 - Thursday Service Sermon 

Title: Overcoming The Storms of Life

Main Text:- Psalms 93 

Other bible texts: Jonah 1

Preacher: Pastor Kayode Ojo

A storm is something that controls your life against your wish (Acts 27:15).

It even causes you to lose everything you  have. (Acts 27:18)
Wind can bring storm, and if you sin, it's like fueling the storm
Unforgiveness could also attract storms in your life.

How to overcome The Storm
1) Flee sin
2) Do not fear 
3) Have faith in God
4) Deal with the source (Mk 4:39)
5) Once the source is dealt with, deal with the issue itself
6) Prevail In Prayer
7) Divine Intervention (Jhn 6:21)

Sunday, June 10, 2018

10th of June 2018 - Sunday Service Sermon 

Title: A New Beginning

Main Text:- Isaiah 46:16-19

Preacher: Pastor Mrs Hope Orimolusi

Irrespective of what you may be going through, (maybe you are feeling guilty about a terrible past, incurable sickness, physical or emotional pain etc), God is saying, give it me and I will give you a new beginning.
He would erase the negative and give you a beautiful beginning.

Steps to a new beginning

1) Forget the Past - (2 Cor 5:17)
2) Be willing to change 
3) Avoid comparison
4) Forgiveness
5) Desire it

Benefit of New Beginning

1) Your Failure becomes success  (Lk 5:1-5)
2) All round favour
3) Your dreams and desires (Is 55:11, Hab 2:3)
3) God will trade your mourning to dancing (Ps 30:11)
4) Honor replaces shame
5) Long awaited promises comes true
6) God will give you a new name (Is 62:2-4)
7) Divine Guidance (Ps 32:8)

Sunday, June 3, 2018

3rd of June 2018 - Sunday Service Sermon 

Title: The Act of Sacrifice

Main Text:- Psalms 107:21-22

Preacher: Minister John Adediji

There are many ways to give God sacrifice.

You may wonder how could you give God a pleasing Sacrifice?

It could be in the form of praise, worship, dancing, shouting, laughing, giving generously etc
You may not always feel like praising God, especially when you are feeling down.
This may be a test. Praise Him anyway

An example would be Paul and Silas in the book of Acts 16:25-26. 
When they praised God, the prison doors were opened and all their bands were loosed.

Praise Him today and forever.

Have a blessed week