Sunday 28th August 2014
Title - Marriage Series
(The Effect in "Lack of Communication)
Teacher:- Pastor Paul Orimolusi
Main Text:- Genesis 11: 3-7
Bible Passages:- Isaiah 1:18, Isaiah 54:5, Jeremiah 33:3
In the bible reading today, we learnt about the tower of Babel.
Once their languages were confounded, they were scattered and could not complete the construction of the tower.
this portrays the effect in lack of communication.
1. Two Legitimate marriage
2. Effect in "Lack of Communication"
3. Remember your First Love
Outline 1:
Two Legitimate marriage
Isaiah 54.5 - talks about our marriage to God.
This happens when we first give our lives to Christ.
Outline 2:
Effect of "Lack of Communication" Isaiah 1:18, Jeremiah 33:3
Communication cannot take place if information cannot be decoded between the participants.
In the bible passages above, we can see God calling us to communicate with Him.
So many of us live such busy lives and don't even give God our time.
Outline 2b:
Effect of lack in Communication between Husband and Wife
1. Will lead to suspicion - The purpose of marriage is partnership and companionship
2. Leads to confusion. 1sam 28: 3-20
3. The deceit of the enemy may prevail - Remember how Eve was deceived by the serpent
Perhaps, if Eve and Adam were together, perhaps they would have conquered the serpent,
3. The deceit of the enemy may prevail - Remember how Eve was deceived by the serpent
Perhaps, if Eve and Adam were together, perhaps they would have conquered the serpent,
Unity is extremely important - Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Outline 3:
Remember your First Love
Let us ask ourselves if we take God as seriously as we did in the past ? Rev 2:4.