Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sunday 9th June 2013 - I will Finish Well

Teacher:- Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Main Text:- Romans 5:1-5. 

Bible Passages:- Genesis 2: 1-2, Exodus 31:17, John 19:30

From the above scriptures, we can see that God worked for 6 days and rested on the 7th day.
John 19:30, Jesus said it is finished

Outline for today

1.Importance of Figure 7.

a) There is time for everything

For good 6 days, God labored but on the 7th day he rested
Do not be envious of the achievement of others.our times are different
Ecc 3. 1-7

b)Do not rest while you are meant to work

John 9:4
Jesus said he will do the work of his father while it is day, because night time is coming that he can't work.

c)If you started well, keep up the good work.

Do not be distracted
Distractions are bound to come.
Could be from your wife, husband, children or even friends.

Remember, Everyone's race differs. Even if you have not completed your race or reached your destination, it could be because your race differs from others that have completed thiers.

Do not quit. Don't give up
Quitters will never win.
When the goings are tough, still stay focused.

Take for example, God showed our General Overseer a vision that Reedeemed Christian Church of God will grow bigger.
No one believed, but today, the Lord has made us even bigger than he imagined

d) We need to put an extra effort into our dreams

Even when God has shown you what your future will be, you still need an extra effort on your own
amd Stay focused on God

How to add an effort to your live

ii)sowing seed to the less priviledged Ecc 11:1-6
iii)Evangelism and follow up.
Win souls for christ and be a source of encourage to new believers.
2Tim 4:7
iv) Ask for God's presence

2. Implications of what figure 7 stands for. Luke 9:62

People believe 9 stands for perfection.
However, our concern is what we can see and read from the scriptures
God worked for 6 days and rested on the 7th day

In every stage of our life, God wants us to know something important
Not everyone that started the race finish well. some will fall on the way side, some will almost reach their destination but still fail.
Our prayer today is that in our journey into the kingdom of God, and our careers, we will finish well in Jesus Name. Amen

Bible characters Samples

Elijah was a man of prayer
1 kings 18.

Elijah entered into a competition with the worshipers of idols as seen in the book of 1 kings
Elijah never followed the multitude. He stood out. Elijah stood alone and was very prayerful
1 kings 18:41

He said he heard the abundance of rain but still he prayed 7 times

The problem with us today is that our spiritual ears are closed.

No matter what you are going through, what can you hear ?

Joshua also stated "as for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord"

The problem with us today is that our spiritual ears are closed.
When you are in a battle, no matter how fierce it is, if God is with you, your Victory is guaranteed.
Listen to what God is saying to you.

Prayer for today:

1.Father, perhaps, I started well and performing poorly, please God help me to change and get back on track in Jesus Name.

2.My miracle shall not be aborted.

3.Pray that what will cause you to almost reach your destination but not get there
Seeing the end of the journey but not being able to enjoy it, please God come against this evil in out life.
God help me to fufil my destiny.

Have a blessed Week !

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