Sunday 26th October 2014 (First Service)
Title - Who is my Neighbor ?
Teacher:- Pastor Paul Orimolusi
Main Text:- Luke 10: 25-37
Bible Passages:- Luke 10: 25-37, Hebrews 11:16, John 10:10, James
You may be familiar with the story of a man robbed and seriously injured in the book of Luke 10:25 - 37
The thieves stripped him, wounded him and departed leaving him half dead.
The first person who passed by was a priest (a representative of God)
He took no action to help the wounded victim.
He left him in a wounded and critical state.
The second person who stumbled across the victim was a Levite.
A Levite is also someone considered a person close to God.
Consecrated to God's work. Yet he took no move or step to help the victim.
The third person who came across the same path of the victim was a Samaritan
Samaritan's are considered people of little or no regard for God.
They do not follow the commandments yet he did the right thing.
Who do you think God was pleased with ?
Who will be considered the victim's neighbour?
The Priest, Levite or the Samaritan.
Let us look around for people with needs.Do not ignore them.
Every little step you take is accounted for before God.
Any act of kindness will show forth in future.
Do not ignore the needs for your neighbour.
Show kindness today