Sunday, December 13, 2015

Sunday 13th December 2015

Title - Be Merciful

Teacher:- Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Main Text:- Matt 5:7

Bible Passages:- Duet 4:31, Lamentations 3:22-23, Prov 21:13, James 1:27

One of God's Characteristics/Nature is His mercies (Duet 4:31, Lamentations 3:22-23) and he wants us to be like Him (Matt 5:7)
Even when Jesus came to this world, everything He did was out of mercy Matt 14:14

Characteristics of the merciful 
 1. Open his/her ears to the cry of the needy (Prov 21:13)

2. Visit the Orphans/Widows in their affliction (James 1:27)

3. Share the joy they have in Christ Jesus with others (not stingy rather generous) Mark 1:40-45

4. Follow up with members or coleagues who you haven't heard from in a while or going through one form of trouble

5. Encourage the backsliders

Blessings that can be acquired for being merciful

  1. God will answer your prayers
  2. You will never be stranded
  3. God will fight your battles
  4. The law of harvest will catch up with you. (Because Whatever u sow, u shall reap)

Prayer Point:
Father Please help me to be merciful just as you are merciful

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