Sunday, December 25, 2016

Sunday 25th December 2016

Title - What Gift does Jesus want for His Birthday?

Teacher:-  Minister Adediji

Main Text:- Micah 6:6-8

Today, we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. What could we possibly give to God knowing that He is the creator of Heaven & Earth? He has it All!!

However, He would love the following from you:

- 1. Justice (to the poor, widows & orphans)

- 2. Mercy (forgive and let go)

- 3. Humility (see yourself just as God sees you)

Prayer Point: Lord please accept my gift !

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Sunday 18th December 2016

Title - Embarrassing Change

Teacher:-  Pastor Afolabi Samuel

Main Text:- Isaiah 43:18-19

Things change!!!
Just as seasons change, (summer, winter, autumn & spring), things change.
Scientists can't do anything about it
The only person that doesn't change is God 

Key Points 
1) If you are not willing to move at God's pace, He would use somebody else
There is always a replacement available. E.g King Saul  vs David 1 Sam 16:1

2) Different people have been assigned into your life/Destiny
Some people will do you good, some will hurt you
Even in the life of Jesus, God brought Judas into His life inorder to fulfil the scriptures. Matt 26:21

3) You have to cut OFF ungodly friends. some friendships have outlived their purpose.
You need to let go. An example is of Abraham vs Lots Gen 13:1-12