Sunday, September 10, 2017

10th September 2017 - Sunday Sermon

Title - Shine The Light (part 2) - Through Prayer

Main Text:- Matthew 5:14

Teacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Light and darkness cannot mingle, they have nothing in common. 
God has made us the light that should shine into our country, till darkness is expelled. 

Characteristics of Light
1) Light Attracts (i.e., our life must bring joy to people)
To attract others to Christ, you must be compassionate to unbelivers, just like Jesus did (Matthew 9:36) 
This means we must work on ourselves first. You can't give what you don't have.

Characteristics of Light
2) Love, because love cares

Characteristics of Light
3) Can't be hidden (Matthew 5:15)

Characteristics of Light
4) Chases out/ repels darkness (John 1:5)

Characteristics of Light
5) To be a light to the world, work on your character (Luke 6:43-46).

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