15th October 2017 - Sunday Sermon
Title - Shine the light (through follow up)
Main Text:- John 15:16
Teacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi
The act of follow up means checking if someone is doing okay especially when you don't see them be it in church, in the office, if they are feeling unwell etc.
Significance of follow up
1) Satan is after every soul (Matthew 16:26)
2) Satan does not leave a person forever. He is stubborn (Matthew 12:43-45)
3) There are different levels of maturity (Gal 4:1)
4) Iron Sharpens Iron (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)
5)Everyone needs encouragement
6) It is only a fool that catches a fish and throws it back in the ocean (Gal 65:22-23)
Methods to follow up (Checking up on people)
1) Writing Letters (or email)
2) social media (watsapp, viber, facebook, snapchat etc)
3) Personal visit (1 Cor 16:5 & 12)
4) Showing kindness and hospitality