Tuesday, January 1, 2019

31st December 2018 

Title: The Presence of God

Main Text: Exodus 33: 12-15

Preacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Benefit of God's Presence 

1) Chases away our fears ( 2 Kings 6:16)
2) Brings disgrace to our enemies (Dan 6.18-23)
3) Attracts favour (Gen 39:21)
4) Guarantees peace in the midst of turbulence ( Mt 8:23-27)
5) Guarantees our eternity with Him (Is 41:10)
6) Leads us through the wilderness (Ps 24:7-10)
7) Dispels Shame (John 2:1-10)

How can I attract God's presence?

1) Do God's will (John 8:29)
2) Give God quality worship (Ps 100:4)

Note, God's presence will not abide if we go against His Will.
Make it your priority to do His Will.