Fresh Anointing To CONQUER - Sunday 13th January 2013
Teacher:- Pastor Paul Orimolusi
Main Text:- Psalm 92:10
A story is told of 3 fishes plagued who
were plagued by sharks. When given the opportunity to ask God for 1 request,
the first fish asked for wings to be able to fly away from the sharks. The
second fish asked for eyes all over its to be able to see the sharks coming
from afar off. The third fish simply asked for the presence of God to continually
be with him. The next time the first fish saw the sharks, it flew out of the
ocean and into the pond. The pond soon dried up and the first fish was eaten by
birds. The second fish with eyes all over its body stood out and became
attractive to not only sharks but other predator fishes and was soon eaten. The
third fish swam around the ocean happily, because God's presence protected him.
Anointing signifies the presence of
God. It is not only ministers, deacons, pastors that need God's anointing,
EVERYBODY needs God's anointing/presence. Anointing confers honour to the one that
carries it. When others are dishonoured, when you carry God's presence the aroma
of God's honour will be upon you.
The anointing of God makes you
untouchable to the enemy. It also attracts blessings. The anointing of God
causes all yokes and embargoes on your life to be broken.
Job 1:6. Why do we need fresh
anointing? The devil does not need an invitation to do evil against us. To deal
with Satan and all his cohorts we need God's presence and anointing. No single
human being can stand in a boxing ring with the devil just for a second WITHOUT
God's presence.
What can prevent God's fresh anointing in our lives?
1. Relying on old glory and fake
assurance - Judges 16:20. We must forget about old things and old anointing.
2. Distractions - 1 Cor 7:35. The devil
will bring all sorts of distractions this year. Even your friends or your
spouse might bring distractions to you. You must decide that YOU want God's
presence. Don't allow anyone to distract you because your head needs fresh
anointing. Phil 4:8
3. Prayerlessness. The only person who
didn't have to pray on earth was Jesus, and yet Jesus was always praying. How
much more us? Luke 22:44. For change to take place in our lives we have to ASK
4. Pride will not allow a person to
receive fresh anointing. James 4:6, Proverbs 3:34
5. When you befriend a fire
extinguisher the little anointing you have will go. Get rid of friends that
will not add any value to your life. Love everyone, but CHOSE your friends.
Amos 3:3. Don't surround yourself with people that will bring you down. Matt
6. The sin of immorality, anger, and
talkativeness. Psalm 19:14, Eph 4:26-27
7. Not honoring God's word. If the
word of God does not have a place in our hearts how do we expect to have fresh anointing?
Prayer Point:- This my head will carry
God's anointing and God's grace. This year my life will not remain the same. In
Jesus name, Amen.
Prophesy into your life:- This week the
presence of the Lord will follow me. The favour of God will locate me, the joy of God will be my portion. I will never live my life in sorrow. In Jesus name. Amen
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