Saturday, January 12, 2013

Provoking Signs And Wonders In Your Life

Provoking Signs And Wonders In Your Life - Friday 11th January 2013

Teacher:- Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Main Text:- John 4:48

1. Persistent Prayers - Luke 18:1, Mark 10:46-52

2. Uncommon faith - Mark 2:2-5

3. Be surrounded by positive people Mark 2:2-4

4. Humility - Matt 15:21-28

5. Holiness - Mark 2:5

6. Sow - Philippians 4:16-19

7. Praise the Leader/Lord of signs and wonders


Lord PLEASE, let this year 2013 be a year of SIGNS and WONDERS in my life, in Jesus name AMEN!

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