Saturday, June 28, 2014

Sunday 22nd June 2014

Title - Actions that will provoke God's attention

Teacher:- Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Main Text:- Gen 22: 1- 15

Bible Passages:- Gen 22: 4+12, Dan 1:8, Dan 3:16-25, 1kings 3:4, Matt 26:7-10

Actions to Provoke

1)An act of genuine fear of God Gen 22: 1-15

Genuine love is when things are going bad and yet, you remain faithful to the one you trust (God).  In Gen 22:1-15, we can see the extent to which Abraham trusted God as he was willing to offer his only son (Is-sac) as a sacrifice.

2) Unshakeable Faith
Without faith, no one can please God Gen 22: 4 + 12
Abraham was a good example of someone with unshakeable faith
God himself acknowledged "I know that thou fearest God"

3) A sacrificial and total surenderness and uncompromising Holy Living in the face of Adversities
Dan 1:8 tells us of Daniels decision not to defile himself with the kings meat
Another example would be Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego who refused to bow down to down to strange gods
How many christians today are bowing to things of the world today ?

4) A sacrificial giving 
Let us take King Solomon as another example.
Solomon offered thousands of cattle and ships unto the Lord and this act certainly caught God's attention.
1kings 3:4, Matt 26:7-10

5)An act of praise and thanksgiving unto God 
King David developed an attitude of praising and worshipping God.
God himself testified David is a man after his heart
Acts 13:22

Making Jesus known Mark 1:40-45

7) Hospitality 
2kings 4:8-36
Gen 18: 1-1

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