Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Tuesday 30th 2014

Title - Enough is Enough

Teacher:- Pastor Mr Paul Orimolusi

Main Text:- 1 Samuel 17:51

Bible Passages:- James 4:7, Mark 10:48, Psalms 70, Mathew 15: 21-28

The message title of today is not of a calm motive. 
Rather of someone ready to press forward.
The main Bible passage of today (1sam 15:51) is of David when he slew Goliath.
Even when he was assured Goliath was dead, he still made haste to cut off the head of his enemy.

There is a proverb that states a bird can fly over the head of a person, however, it is left for the individual to allow the bird build a nest on his head.

Are you ready to fight against spiritual forces ?

Features of People who know "Enough is Enough"

1. A statement that Lord "Help me now or the enemy rejoices over me"
Such a person has no other alternative but to seek God's face for help.

2. It is a Statement of the Desperate
Gen 32-33, Mark 10:48, Ps 70.1, Matt 15:21-28, Es 4:3-4.
Many of us take no for an answer even though they are close to break through.

Do not give up. cry unto God until your joy is full.

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