Sunday, April 12, 2015

Saturday 11th April 2015

Title - Destiny Diverters

Teacher:- Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Main Text:- Psalm 126: 1-6

Bible Passages:- Psalm 40: 1-3, Psalm 30:5, Habakkuk 2:4

For different reasons, one's destiny could be diverted.

In the begining God made everything perfect Jer 29.11 however as soon as the enemy sets in, he begins to toil with one's destiny. To ensure such individual does not fufil purpose of God in one's life.

In the book of Mark 5, a man possessed by demons had his destiny diverted that caused him to live in tombs and tear himself.
However once he met with Jesus, the diverters of destiny(demons) were cast out of him and he fufiled the purpose of God in his

Signs that your destiny has been diverted.
- Lack of Achievment
- Every one hates you
- Uncompleted projects

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