Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sunday 25th October 2015

Title - Comfort

Teacher:- Elder Colette Wolfe

Main Text:- 2 Cor 1:3-4.

Bible Passages:- John 14:1, John 14:16, John 10:27-28, Psalm 23, John 1:12

The meaning of comfort
To sooth sorrow or bring consolation when we feel hopeless

When Can You fee Sorrow: 
When Life is in trial, in sin, no salvation, difficulty in school, work, love ones are in hurt, good friends leave. It is easy to be discouraged.

Which is why Jesus sent The Holy Spirit "The comforter" when we are in distress to sooth our pains

I plead with you, Give your life to Christ who is able to take away ALL pains & soothe our sorrows.

Life is FULL of challenges & nobody is exempted. No matter what trials you may be facing, nothing is too difficult for The Mighty God

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