Sunday, September 18, 2016

Sunday 18th September 2016

Title - Let Your Light Shine

Teacher:- Deaconess Colette Wolfe

Main Text:- Matthew 5:6

In the main text, Jesus encourages us to allow our light shine so that people can see Christ in us. 

When Christ says, "let your light shine: what does he mean?

1) He wants us to be compassionate: Luke 10:30-34
Just like the story of the merciful Samaritan. He saw someone in need and did not walk away Luke 10:30-34

2) Do not be fearful - Numbers 13:30-32, Luke 1:30, 2 Tim 1:7

3) Do not show doubt (as this breaks God's heart) Luke 1:18-20
Zachariah, doubted the possibility of having a child at his old age. This was displeasing to God. Do we doubt God when things are not going our way? James 1:5-8, Prov 28:20

4) Show Faith (By truly believing in Him) - Heb 11:6

5) Abstain from Anger Gen 4:5, James 1:20, Eph 4:31-32, Prov 10.12, 1 cor 13:4-5

6) Walk before Him - Eph 5:8

7) Abstain from Hatred 1 John 4.8, 1 John 1:9

8) Show love Matt 5:16, 1 Cor 13:4-7, 1 Cor 13:13

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