Sunday, December 17, 2017

17th December 2017 - Sunday Service

Title: Are you a lover of God, Or simply use Him?

Main Text:- Mark 12:30

Teacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Characteristics of those that love God

1)- Enthusiastic about the God they serve (Psalms 122:1)

2) - They Defend God ( 2 Tim:4-7)

3) - They can sacrifice anything for the sake of the One they love (2 Cor 12:15).

4) - They are builders, not destroyers (1 Cor 3:9-15).

5) - Don't try to find faults in anyone (Dan 3:16-25)

6) - Stick to the one they love, irrespective of what they are going through (2 Cor 12:15).

7) - They are pillars.

8) - Very few in number (Matthew 7.14)

9) - They are thankful (Luke 17:15-18)

Characteristics of those that simply use God

1) - They seek God, only when it's convenient for them (Heb 5.11).
They treat God as a spare wheel.

2) - They are many in number (John 6:64-66)

3) - They seek what they can get, then run away!

4) - Negative finders (negative critics)

Action Point
Give Him your heart (Prov 8.17)   

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