Sunday, December 31, 2017

31st December 2017 - Sunday Service

Title: Seed

Main Text:- Mark 12:30

Teacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Characteristics of seed

1) Very small compared to its harvest

2) It has potential to grow from the ground
3) its meant to be sown not eaten

Different types of seed
1) Seed of Faith ( Matthew 17:20)
2) Seed of Discord (Prov 6.19, Prov 26:20)
3) Seed of your Body (Gen 21:8-13)
4) Evil Seed (usually planted by an individual) - {Gen 35:22, Gen 49:1-4}
5) Seeds planted by the enemy (Matthew 15:13)
6) Seed of Kindness (Acts 9:36-40, Esther 6:1-14)
7) Seed of The Word of God (Luke 8:11)

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