25th of November 2018 (Night Of Hope)
Title:What Is An Issue?
Main Text: Luke 8:43-48
Preacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi
An Issue is something that defiles humans ability.
From the main bible text, we read of a woman with an "issue of blood" which lasted for 12 years.
She tried to resolve the issue with money but it got worse.
Only until she encountered Jesus.
You may ask what is an issue?
1) Anything that defies human effort
2) Causes Embarrassment
3) A Frustrating situation
4) Your Faith capacity cannot withstand the situation in your strength alone
What situation do you find yourself? trying all you can with no result? Feeling embarrassed?
Develop a close relationship with God, so The God of all possibilities helps with your circumstance like he did in Mark 9:23-25
It is well with your soul, body and spirit.
Have a blessed week.