Sunday, November 25, 2018

25th of November 2018 (Night Of Hope)

Title:What Is An Issue?

Main Text: Luke 8:43-48

Preacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi 

An Issue is something that defiles humans ability.
From the main bible text, we read of a woman with an "issue of blood" which lasted for 12 years.
She tried to resolve the issue with money but it got worse.
Only until she encountered Jesus.

You may ask what is an issue?
1) Anything that defies human effort
2) Causes Embarrassment
3) A Frustrating situation
4) Your Faith capacity cannot withstand the situation in your strength alone

What situation do you find yourself? trying all you can with no result? Feeling embarrassed?
Develop a close relationship with God, so The God of all possibilities helps with your circumstance like he did in Mark 9:23-25
It is well with your soul, body and spirit.

Have a blessed week.

25th of November 2018

Title: High Places

Main Text: Habakkuk 3:19

Preacher: Pastor Innocent Iddo

In life, you may have 100 wishes, but not all of them come to pass.
Then you feel discouraged. 
When you feel this way, remember that God has better plans for your life.
Some of the things we wish for could destroy us, therefore he doesn't always grant our requests
It may also be against His will. 

From the main bible text (Hab 3:19), the writer states "He will make me to walk upon mine high places"
This suggests, there are also low places.

How can we describe the low place?
It is not a good place to be (Matt 37:24)
It's a place of discouragement, sadness, confusion and affliction.
Those in low places sometimes consider suicide as a way out.

How can we describe the high place?
A place of power where you release authority both in the phyiscal and spiritual
It can also be referred to as the heavenly place
This means you can command demonic agents and activities (could be in form of sickness, depression, suicidal thoughts  etc) out of your life.

Prayer Point:
Lord please stretch forth Your hand and bring me out of the pit in Jesus Name

Sunday, November 18, 2018

18th of November 2018

Title: Born Again

Main Text: 2 Cor 13:5

Preacher: Minister Colette Wolfe

Jesus desires a close relationship us (John 3:1-6).
That is why He encourages us to examine ourselves (2 Cor 13:5, 5:17). 
Are we simply giving him material things, hoping that will win his favor?
Stop! He desires your heart and obedience over material things. (Lk 6.46, Matt 7.21, )

Do you know him?
What is your relationship like with Him?

Remember, without Christ, no one can make it to heaven (Matt 7:13-14)

Give Him your heart instead (1 John 2.29)

Sunday, November 11, 2018

11th of November 2018

Title: Destroying the alter of affliction

Main Text: Acts 27:14

Preacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Affliction is anything that causes us pain in our heart
In severe circumstances, it could cause you to lose faith in God.

Types of Affliction

1) Wind of affliction (Acts 27:10)
2) Flood of affliction : capable of destroying lives and properties (Rev 12:13-17) - It could come in many forms E.g, an attack to your health, finance etc.
3) Fire of affliction 

Causes Of Affliction

1) Disobedience (Is 48.18)
2) Breaking hedge (Ecc 10:8)
3) God wants to showcase His glory (Ps 34:19, John 9:1-3, Dan 3:16-30, Ps 34.19)
4) To catch your attention (Is 48:18) 

Are you suffering from affliction

1) repair the broken alter of The Lord (Ecc 10:8, Judges 2:14-16)
2) Run to Jesus (Mt 11:28)
3) Stay in His cover (Ps 91:1)

God is capable of destroying the alter of affliction
Run to Him today

Friday, November 9, 2018

9th of November 2018

Title: Watch & Pray

Main Text: Matt 26:41

Preacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Some people are watchful and pay less attention to prayer, and vice versa.
Both are important and none should be disregarded
You may ask why?

The Devil's aim to is drag as many people as possible into hell (John 10.10).

If you are not watchful and prayerful, the devil could use the following tactics to drag you to hell.
1) The use of internal enemy (The flesh) - 2 Sam 11:1-27
a)- He minimizes sin 
b)- uses bait to catch his prey - Gen 3:2-5
2) Makes attractive promises that are only false and end up in regret (Gen 3:2-5)
3) comes when you are in desperate need (Gen 25:29-34, Matt 4:1-11)
4) When you sleep (spiritual weakness), he attacks (Judges 16:20, Judges 8.29)
5) attack whilst celebrating victory

What Should I do?
1) Resist The Devil steadfastly (1 Pet 5:8-10)
2) Do not give the devil a foothold. (Eph 4:17)
3) Launch your offensive weapon against him in the place of Prayer
4) Deal with your flesh on a daily basis


Sunday, November 4, 2018

4th of November 2018

Title: Gifts

Main Text: 1 Cor 12:1-11

Preacher: Pastor James

G - Grow
I - In
F - Fellowship
T - Together

A gift could be given for recognition, acknowledgement, appreciation, adding value, hapiness (to both giver and receiver)
As seen from the main text, the gifts God has bestowed upon us is for the good of ALL (1 cor 12:1-11), i.e. edification of the body of Christ/Growth of The Church.

In life, there are stages of growth and development 
Just as a baby learns to sit, crawl and then walk, likewise in the spiritual, we must GROW (2 Pet 3:18, Eph 4:15-16)
Every step is important, and none can be skipped.

When a manufacturer creates a product, it is for a purpose.
In like manner, God has made you for a purpose (Num 8:19).
The gift God has given you, is to showcase His glory ( Is 43.7)

You may ask, how can I Identify my Gift?
Answer is simple; Ask God (in prayer & fasting; James 5:16, Rev 4:1 ) 
God is our manufacturer, and he is the only one that can truly tell us our purpose in life.

How to Keep the Gift Alive
A river that forgets its source will dry up
God is the giver and source of all gift
do not break your daily conversation/fellowship with God (James 4:8)

Prayer Points 

Help me Lord NOT to neglect the gift you have given to me