Sunday, March 31, 2019

31st March 2019

Title: Living a purposeful life for divine impact

Preacher: Pastor Stella Toritsemotse

A life lived for self is a wasted life.
Methuselah lived for 969 years, yet not much was said about him.
On the other hand, Jesus lived here on earth for 33 years and his impact lives on today.

As a woman, you are a generation. 2 Tim 1:5
Lois passed her faith to her daughter Eunice, who in turned passed her faith to Timothy.
What legacy are you leaving for your children?

Why did Ruth & Naomi Cleave to each other? (Ruth 1:1-14)
1) They were women of virtue (high moral standard) - 2 Pet 1:5-6.
2) Loyalty and devotion (Ruth 1:16)
3) Faith (Ruth 2:10-11)
4) Obedience: it is a choice. You may be surrounded by people of virtue, but it is a choice to obey godly standards  (2 Tim 1:5)

Happy Mother's Day

Sunday, March 24, 2019

24th March 2019

Title: Overcoming The stress of Life

Preacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Overcoming The stress of Life

1) Run to Jesus (Matt 11:28)
2) Speak out, but with caution (Prov 11:14)
3) Relax (e.g. take a walk, chill out)
4) Exercise ( 1 Tim 4:8)
5) Create a forum for laughter (Prov 15:13,17:22)
6) Be Prudent & put God first (Lk 14:28)
7) Invest 
8) Do your best and leave the rest to God ( 1 Cor 3:6-8)
9) Pray and Trust in The Lord

Saturday, February 9, 2019

9th February 2019
Title: The Prayer of Jabez
Main Text: 1 Chron 4:9-10
Preacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Lessons learnt from the prayer of Jabez
1) Our Place of birth, or the condition in which we were born, does not determine our end [1. chr 4.9]

2) Jabez called on The God of His fathers. 
When confronted with challenges, who do you call on? [1Kings 18:22-24]
Other gods will disappoint, except The Living God

3) Honor The God of your fathers. [ Mal 1:6]
If you don't honor anointing, how would it work in your favor? [1 Sam 2;9]

4) Jabez asked God to bless him
When God blesses, no sorrow is added [prov 10;22]

5) "Enlarge my coast". 
God wants us to multiply, increase and become great, in the physical and spiritual.

6) Jabez asked God for his presence

7) Finally, He asked God to Protect Him from Evil

20th January 2018 

Title: Divine Intimacy

Main Text: Psalms 103:7

Preacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi

There is nothing more important than to have an intimate relationship with God.
Every day and moment of our life, make it a habit to have a closer walk with God.
Enoch maintained an intimate relationship with God, and never tasted death (Gen 5:21-24)

A life without an intimate relationship with God is like living in the valley low (a place filled with pain, anguish, sorrow, depression etc).
However, a life with God, is a life on the mountain top. A place of glory, joy peace

Action Point:

Make it your daily objective to have an intimate relationship with God.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

31st December 2018 

Title: The Presence of God

Main Text: Exodus 33: 12-15

Preacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Benefit of God's Presence 

1) Chases away our fears ( 2 Kings 6:16)
2) Brings disgrace to our enemies (Dan 6.18-23)
3) Attracts favour (Gen 39:21)
4) Guarantees peace in the midst of turbulence ( Mt 8:23-27)
5) Guarantees our eternity with Him (Is 41:10)
6) Leads us through the wilderness (Ps 24:7-10)
7) Dispels Shame (John 2:1-10)

How can I attract God's presence?

1) Do God's will (John 8:29)
2) Give God quality worship (Ps 100:4)

Note, God's presence will not abide if we go against His Will.
Make it your priority to do His Will.