Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wednesday 12th June 2013

Title - Significance of Holy Communion

Teacher:- Pastor Mrs Grace Okorende

Holy Communion is dining with Christ

Remember the story of Pharaoh Vs the Children of Israel
With all the signs given unto Pharaoh to release the children from bondage, he refused.
For example when Moses turned

Rod to snake
Water to blood
Swam of flies
Death of Egyptian
Plaque of locust
Plaque of darkness

He refused to listen to the voice of God.

However, on the night of Passover (the death of the first born), Pharaoh called the children of Israel at midnight and asked them to leave Egypt Ex 12.32
Due to the Passover, the children of Israel received the favor of God through their oppressors the Egyptians.

For the apostles, it was a meal of strength as a result of the loss of their master.

The Passover is a meal to encourage the sorrowful
As you take the meal sorrow will never be your portion

The meal will open the eyes of people that tears have blinded
 Acts 24.17
Tears could make you blind because tears blurs vision.

The last supper was the meal of strength
For God to lift you high, he will give you strength to overcome
Ex 12.12 as you eat the holy communion

However, Before partaking of the Holy Communion, examine yourself
1cor 11.28
If you dwell in sin, don't partake in this communion.
However, if you need the strength overcome your weakness, then cry unto the Lord that this Holy Communion shall grant you the strength to overcome to sin

Remain Blessed :)

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