Sunday, March 3, 2013

Freedom From Anxiety - Sunday 3rd March 2013

Teacher:- Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Main Text:- Matthew 6:25-32

Other Texts: Psalm 34:10 

Anxiety is a messenger of death from the devil. Anxiety Is like someone walking carelessly and is suddenly attacked by a monster (the devil). The devil can cause a lot of havoc with anxiety, if we allow him.

Causes of Anxiety

1. Fear of Tomorrow (Isaiah 3:10)
2. Insecurity
3. Circumstances of Life
4. News/Information of people that were UP before and now they are DOWN.

The effect of Anxiety

1. Loss of self worth
2.Uncoordinated Thoughts
3.High Blood Pressure


If you don't deal with what is troubling you, the thing you MOST fear might happen to you. Job 3:25
1. Think of past victories and God's goodness

2. Remember God's promises for your life. Psalm 34:10, Psalm 118:17, Isaiah 8:13

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