Sunday, March 31, 2013

Various Types of Power - Sunday 31st March 2013

Teacher:- Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Main Text:- Psalm 95:6

1. Political Power
2. Money is Power
3. Power of Darkness
4. Power of choice
5. The power of the cross

 1. Political Power

Flaws of political Power.
a. The power in politics is easily mis-used
E.g Homo-sexualism is now encouraged

2. Money Power

For example, Once Obama became president; his history was traced back to Ireland.
Once he became president, he was highly esteemed here in Ireland also.
Flaws of Money Power.
a. Money can buy you water bed but God gives you sleep
b.Money can buy food but God gives apettite

3. Power of Darkness

Flaws in the Power of Darkness.
Devil does not use his power for the good of anyone.
If God leaves you and I, in the boxing ring with the devil, there is no way we can defeat the devil on our own. But In the name of Jesus, any power of darkness before us will be crumpled.
Mark 5:1-5

4. Power of choice

Joshua 24:15, Rev 3:20
Flaws in the Power of Choice
We might make wrong decisions
Rev 22:12

5.The Power in Resurrection

Characteristics of “The Power in Resurrection”

1.It is a mystery 1cor 1:18

2.Our Salvation is free
If we were to buy salvation, who can afford it ?
 Jer 17:9

3.It gives us Victory

4.The power of the cross Delivers us from the power of Darkness
(sickness, disease, poverty)
1 cor 15:54

5.The power of the cross
Gives us assurance of tomorrow

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