Sunday, August 12, 2018

12th of August 2018 - Sunday Service Sermon 

Title: A New Thing

Main Text: Isaiah 43:18-19

Preacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi

God Himself said "I will do a new thing" in the book of Isaiah 43:18-19
When humans speak, they may lie, but when God speaks, He means it. He NEVER lies

"Remember not the former things" means

1) Do not dwell on your past failures

otherwise you begin to feel depressed, pain, anxiety, un-forgiveness, bitterness, guilt, sorrow, etc

2) Don't dwell on past achievements otherwise,  it could lead to 

- complacency
-  retardation
- false self-gratification

Also bear in mind, the Enemy is watching for a moment to strike.
He does it best during the time of negligence (Judges 16.20)

Have a blessed week

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