Sunday, August 19, 2018

19th of August 2018 - Sunday Service Sermon 

Title: A New Thing (Part 2)

Main Text: Isaiah 43:18-19

Preacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Last week we discussed Isaiah 43:18.
This week, we would discuss Isaiah 43:19.

God has promised in His word, He would make a way in the wilderness
Before diving into God's promise, let us take a look at the Features of the wilderness

1) It is a place with No sense of direction
2) A place of lonliness
3) No comfort / peace / fruitless labour

Are you experiencing any of the above?
Dwell on His word that He would make a way in the wilderness

Very soon, God Will
1) Give you a new song
2) Divine Restoration
3) Remove your shame

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