Sunday, September 23, 2018

23rd of September 2018 - Church Anniversary

Title: A call to holiness

Main Text: 1 Thess 4:7-8

Preacher: Pastor Daniel Gbolahan

Some people are called into specific offices in the ministry. Some are called to be teachers, apostles, others Pastors, evangelists etc

There is also a call to salvation.
However, there is a calling (from God) to ALL of His Children. It is the call to Holiness

The first step to Holiness, is Repentance.

The first call of God is to Repentance
To repent means to turn from destructive ways 

What does it mean to repent?
To repent is not just to feel sorry for your sin, rather to change.
It means, I am not just sorry for the wrong I did, but i turned from the habit of repeating my sin.
When you repent, there is a change of will, direction, and change of mind.

When John preached, he stated, "Repent ye" (Matthew 3:1-3)
He was warning us to turn back to the way of God
The path of man is crooked, but the path of God is straight

Hence, you must put off old habits and constantly renew your mind (Ephesians 4:17-24).

God has given us The Holy Spirit to enable us live Holy. 
Remember, we must have a relation with The Father, and as his children, we must take up His nature, which is holiness (2 Cor 6:16-18)

Have a blessed week.

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