Friday 11th October 2013 (Praise Night)
Title - It's Time to Move
Main Text:- John 5: 1-9
Bible Passages:- Matt 5.13, Matt 25:14-30
Teacher:- Pastor Moses Omoviye
Why must I move?
When you overstay at any place in time, it defines your situation.
When you overstay in one position for too long, it defines your condition.
The woman with the issue of blood was no longer called by her name but her situation made people call her the "Woman with the issue of blood"
Another man in the bible was also Blind Bartimeus.
His first name was not blind but his situation made people define him as "Blind Bartimeus"
It is time to move
Point 2 (why must I move)
Everything takes a process
Jesus was on earth for 33 years and was taken off. However, His death was not premature
Moses on the other hand was in the world for over 100 years but his death was premature because he was yet to make it to the promised land.
Point 3 (Why must I move)?
Because One man's destiny connects with another.
Your movement can aid another man's destiny.
Assume you work 9am in the morning. The journey to work usually takes 30 minutes
Perhaps on another day you were heading to work, there was an accident on the road, you will be late to work due to another person's mistake.
Why do people fail to move?
1.When a man overstays at a point, something bigger than him is holding him there.
When a man is stuck at one point, there is a force bigger and stronger than him that's holding him down thus stopping him from taking that move.
2. When a man overstays at a point, it is an indication that no man bigger and stronger than him is there to help him
Hence, that is how far his strength can take him. He needs another force.
3.Because something he/she is doing is undoing him/her.
For example harboring bitterness in your heart could hinder your progress.
Also, your iniquity can hinder your progress to your destiny.
Search yourself and search your heart. It is impossible to serve God and do the things of the world.
Sin is a barrier between God and man. God loves man but hates sin.
Search yourself.....
Search yourself and search your heart. It is impossible to serve God and do the things of the world.
Sin is a barrier between God and man. God loves man but hates sin.
Search yourself.....
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