Thursday, December 27, 2012

Prayer Points Day 2

1.       Oh God, Give me the Grace to follow you.
2.       Every enemy of my soul, God arise and contend against them
3.       Every enemy of my progress be destroyed
4.       Lord let your perfect Will be done in my Life

The word:
Topic: Submission to the Divine Will of God

Characteristics of a surrendered Life
1.       Prayer is essential to submit to the will of God
a.       See psalm 143:10 and Matthew 6.10
b.      Jesus was also a perfect example
                                                               i.      mt26.42 and John 5.10
2.       Results of total submission
a.       Establishes a divine relationship matt 12:50
b.      Tends to spiritual knowledge john 7.17 act 21.14
c.       Render life secure
d.      Answered prayers
e.      Blessings isa 62.14
f.        Protection ex20.6 23:22
g.       Posterity blessed de 4:40
3.       Whole heart required
a.       Eph 6:6 heb 13;21
4.       The rule of everyday life
a.       James 4:15 1john 2:17

Prayer points after the word

1.       Father, give me a new heart.
Remove the heart of stone and write your laws upon the tablet of my heart

2.       Lord let your perfect Will be done in my Life

I worship You
Almighty God
There is none
Like You
I worship You
O Prince of Peace
That is what
I want to do
I give You praise
For You are
My righteousness
I worship You
Almighty God
There is none
Like You

There is none
Like You
There is none
Like You

Cover me 2ce
Extend the border of your mantle over me,
for thou art my nearest kinsman
Cover me 3ce

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