Sunday, December 16, 2012


Title: Restitution
Teacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi
Main Text: Luke 19:7–10;  Acts 24:16

Definitions of restitution
  • Putting right what has been done wrongly
  • Restoring what has been wrongly taken
  • Repairing what has been deliberately damaged
  • Making that which was wrong right

Areas of restitution
  • Stolen Goods: Restoring whatever that has been stolen, be it from an individual or corporate   organisation.
  • Marital restitution: This area is also essential. Do not take another man’s spouse no matter the circumstance.
  • Make your Way right in the aspect of tithe. Pay your tithe in the assembly you worship.

Blessings of restitution
Restoring God’s property will lead to
  1. Perpetual victory over your enemy - Joshua 1. Sometimes we fight battles which we are not meant to fight because of lack of restitution.
  2. Open heavens.
  3. Divine healing and joy
  4. Security and protection
  5. Peace of mind – money cannot buy peace of mind.

Refusal to restitute
  1. Enemy will have upper hand - Jeremiah 50:7
  2. Your whole family may be affected - Joshua 7
  3. Delayed blessing
  4. Persistent problems

Steps to restitution
  • Prayer
  • Seek counsel from God fearing people
  • Yield to the leading of the Holy Spirit

Excuses people give for failure to restitute
  • Many people are doing it
  • I don’t want to die poor- Haggai 1:10
  • My mates have gone ahead of me

Make your way right before God and man. Restitution involves giving back and sometimes just sorry may be required. Return everything that is not yours to be blessed

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