Sunday, December 30, 2018

30th of December 2018 

Title: Our love towards God and others will be tested

Main Text: Mark 12:29-31

Preacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi

The Devil tempts but God tests.
The Devil sets a snare and works hard to push us into his trap.

However, when God tests His children, He provides the Grace to pass His tests
We are going to get tested by God, but the reward if we pass is promotion.

Areas God Tests (Our Love for Him)

1) Our Obedience (Deut 28:1-2)
2) Our Faithfulness (Luke 16.10)
3) Our Loyalty to & for Him (Dan 3:16-25)
4) Our Patience
5) Our Faith
6) Our  Endurance
7) Our Giving (2 Cor 12:15, Mk 10:17-22)

Areas God Tests (Our Love for others)

1) Our care for the less privileged such as the homeless, widows, orphans etc (Prov 21:13)
2) The way we speak about others (e.g do we backbite or you a hypocrite)? 

Sunday, December 23, 2018

23rd of December 2018 

Title: The purpose of Christmas

Main Text: Matthew 1;21

Preacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi

The purpose we live
1) To worship God
2) To make Jesus known to others (Col 1:27)
3) To bring joy to the sorrowful (Ps 51:8)
4) To bring Hope to the hopeless 
5) To help the less privileged

Sunday, December 9, 2018

9th of December 2018 

Title: Thy Will Be Done 

Main Text: Matthew 6:10 

Preacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi 

God doesn't want us to live a life of probability.
He wants His will to be done in our lives.
However, he gives us free will.

Today's Outline

  • The will of a man 
  • The will of Satan or the enemy 
  • The permissive will of God 
  • The perfect will of God 

The Will of a man 

  • - God has given us free will (i.e. the ability to do what we want) Joshua 24.15
  • - However, The will of man is always a selfish one.
  • - Has no reference to God (Proverbs 3.5-6)
  • - Filled with pride (Is 14.12-14)

The Will of Satan or the enemy 

  • - To steal, kill or destroy (John 1.10)

The Permissive Will of God (Number 22.7-12)

  • - Half baked success
  • - It is short lived victory
  • - leads to great regret
  • - It is like a thorn in the flesh (Psalm 106.15)

The Perfect Will of God 

  • - Requires self denial (Mark 8.34)
  • - It is sacrificial (Rom 12.1-2)
  • - Always giving thanks even when we don't feel like it (1 Thessalonians 5.18)
  • - The will of God gives peace 

Sunday, November 25, 2018

25th of November 2018 (Night Of Hope)

Title:What Is An Issue?

Main Text: Luke 8:43-48

Preacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi 

An Issue is something that defiles humans ability.
From the main bible text, we read of a woman with an "issue of blood" which lasted for 12 years.
She tried to resolve the issue with money but it got worse.
Only until she encountered Jesus.

You may ask what is an issue?
1) Anything that defies human effort
2) Causes Embarrassment
3) A Frustrating situation
4) Your Faith capacity cannot withstand the situation in your strength alone

What situation do you find yourself? trying all you can with no result? Feeling embarrassed?
Develop a close relationship with God, so The God of all possibilities helps with your circumstance like he did in Mark 9:23-25
It is well with your soul, body and spirit.

Have a blessed week.

25th of November 2018

Title: High Places

Main Text: Habakkuk 3:19

Preacher: Pastor Innocent Iddo

In life, you may have 100 wishes, but not all of them come to pass.
Then you feel discouraged. 
When you feel this way, remember that God has better plans for your life.
Some of the things we wish for could destroy us, therefore he doesn't always grant our requests
It may also be against His will. 

From the main bible text (Hab 3:19), the writer states "He will make me to walk upon mine high places"
This suggests, there are also low places.

How can we describe the low place?
It is not a good place to be (Matt 37:24)
It's a place of discouragement, sadness, confusion and affliction.
Those in low places sometimes consider suicide as a way out.

How can we describe the high place?
A place of power where you release authority both in the phyiscal and spiritual
It can also be referred to as the heavenly place
This means you can command demonic agents and activities (could be in form of sickness, depression, suicidal thoughts  etc) out of your life.

Prayer Point:
Lord please stretch forth Your hand and bring me out of the pit in Jesus Name

Sunday, November 18, 2018

18th of November 2018

Title: Born Again

Main Text: 2 Cor 13:5

Preacher: Minister Colette Wolfe

Jesus desires a close relationship us (John 3:1-6).
That is why He encourages us to examine ourselves (2 Cor 13:5, 5:17). 
Are we simply giving him material things, hoping that will win his favor?
Stop! He desires your heart and obedience over material things. (Lk 6.46, Matt 7.21, )

Do you know him?
What is your relationship like with Him?

Remember, without Christ, no one can make it to heaven (Matt 7:13-14)

Give Him your heart instead (1 John 2.29)

Sunday, November 11, 2018

11th of November 2018

Title: Destroying the alter of affliction

Main Text: Acts 27:14

Preacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Affliction is anything that causes us pain in our heart
In severe circumstances, it could cause you to lose faith in God.

Types of Affliction

1) Wind of affliction (Acts 27:10)
2) Flood of affliction : capable of destroying lives and properties (Rev 12:13-17) - It could come in many forms E.g, an attack to your health, finance etc.
3) Fire of affliction 

Causes Of Affliction

1) Disobedience (Is 48.18)
2) Breaking hedge (Ecc 10:8)
3) God wants to showcase His glory (Ps 34:19, John 9:1-3, Dan 3:16-30, Ps 34.19)
4) To catch your attention (Is 48:18) 

Are you suffering from affliction

1) repair the broken alter of The Lord (Ecc 10:8, Judges 2:14-16)
2) Run to Jesus (Mt 11:28)
3) Stay in His cover (Ps 91:1)

God is capable of destroying the alter of affliction
Run to Him today

Friday, November 9, 2018

9th of November 2018

Title: Watch & Pray

Main Text: Matt 26:41

Preacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Some people are watchful and pay less attention to prayer, and vice versa.
Both are important and none should be disregarded
You may ask why?

The Devil's aim to is drag as many people as possible into hell (John 10.10).

If you are not watchful and prayerful, the devil could use the following tactics to drag you to hell.
1) The use of internal enemy (The flesh) - 2 Sam 11:1-27
a)- He minimizes sin 
b)- uses bait to catch his prey - Gen 3:2-5
2) Makes attractive promises that are only false and end up in regret (Gen 3:2-5)
3) comes when you are in desperate need (Gen 25:29-34, Matt 4:1-11)
4) When you sleep (spiritual weakness), he attacks (Judges 16:20, Judges 8.29)
5) attack whilst celebrating victory

What Should I do?
1) Resist The Devil steadfastly (1 Pet 5:8-10)
2) Do not give the devil a foothold. (Eph 4:17)
3) Launch your offensive weapon against him in the place of Prayer
4) Deal with your flesh on a daily basis


Sunday, November 4, 2018

4th of November 2018

Title: Gifts

Main Text: 1 Cor 12:1-11

Preacher: Pastor James

G - Grow
I - In
F - Fellowship
T - Together

A gift could be given for recognition, acknowledgement, appreciation, adding value, hapiness (to both giver and receiver)
As seen from the main text, the gifts God has bestowed upon us is for the good of ALL (1 cor 12:1-11), i.e. edification of the body of Christ/Growth of The Church.

In life, there are stages of growth and development 
Just as a baby learns to sit, crawl and then walk, likewise in the spiritual, we must GROW (2 Pet 3:18, Eph 4:15-16)
Every step is important, and none can be skipped.

When a manufacturer creates a product, it is for a purpose.
In like manner, God has made you for a purpose (Num 8:19).
The gift God has given you, is to showcase His glory ( Is 43.7)

You may ask, how can I Identify my Gift?
Answer is simple; Ask God (in prayer & fasting; James 5:16, Rev 4:1 ) 
God is our manufacturer, and he is the only one that can truly tell us our purpose in life.

How to Keep the Gift Alive
A river that forgets its source will dry up
God is the giver and source of all gift
do not break your daily conversation/fellowship with God (James 4:8)

Prayer Points 

Help me Lord NOT to neglect the gift you have given to me

Sunday, October 21, 2018

21st of October 2018

Title: You are the light of the world

Main Text: Matthew 5;14-15

Preacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Seven Different Grades of Light

1) Candle Light:
- It is very weak, feeble and it burns briefly (doesn't last forever)
- Some Christians would fall into this category.
- Such Christians come to church only when they want to get something from God
- Treat God as a spare wheel and enjoy living a worldly life.
- If you fall into this category, you are more than likely influenced by bad company

2) Lantern Light (Matt 25:1-13)
- Limited range of illumination
- Light only illuminates based on the quantity of oil in the lantern
- Once the oil runs out, light goes out.
- Such Christians are saved, but never witness to others, rather hide their identity
- Another feature of such Christians is that, they do not fellowship where they would hear the true word of God. E.g bible study, daily fellowship with God
- Example would be the five foolish virgins in the book of Matthew 25:1-13

3) Electricity Light (Matthew 16:22-23)
- It is very strong and bright, BUT, it could be switched off
- Such Christians are subject to discouragement
- Prone to anger and bitterness
- Very Unforgiving
- Don't check with God before taking decisions

4) Moon Light (Numbers 23, Mt 18:3)
- Gives light to others, but does not have light of its own-self
- Such Christians are great evangelist/preachers, whose efforts benefit others while they live a life of frustration.
- They can be described as teachers that preach the gospel but don't practice what they preach "Do as I say but not do as I do".
- Such Christians are like bus conductors, they show the way to salvation, but make no effort to go in.
- An example are the pharisees (religious leaders)

5) Sun Light
- Produces its own light
- Such Christians don't keep their mouth shut about the word of God
- anywhere they go, they show the light
- They also carry out self examination and evaluation of themselves frequently

6) Star Light
- Shine wherever they go
- Incurable soul winners (don't give up easily on a soul)
- Neither do they repay evil for evil

7) Pure White Light (2 Tim 4:7, Gen 5:21-24, Acts 7:60)
- Perfect as their Master (Jesus)

Examine yourself, which category do you fall into?

Have a blessed week.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

14th of October 2018

Title: Intercession

Main Text: Ezekiel 22:30

Preacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi

God is looking for a person that would stand in the gap for the nation, church, family, individuals etc.

What does the term "Intercession" mean?
- Pleading on behalf of others to avert Judgement 
- Easing pain and sorrow off people's life
- Becoming a burden bearer.

Jesus our intercessor came to earth to stand in the gap for us.
He wants us to do the same for others

You may ask, who could be an Intercessor? 
God expects everyone of us to be intercessors. Weather or not you are a leader, a follower, a worker/employee etc

Characteristics of an Intercessor

1) Wants good things to happen to others (Gen 18.16-33)
2) Empathetic to others (Mt 5:7)
3) Not easily provoked (Ecc 7.9)
4) Doesn't keep record of wrongs (1 Cor 13:4-7)
5) Is meek and humble
6) Ready to forgive others (Mt 6.12)
7) does not repay evil for evil, rather repays evil with good ( 1 Pet 3:9)
8) Peace maker (Mt 5.9)

Benefits of Being An Intercessor
1) God will call us his children (Mt 5.9)
2) God will fight your battles (Jude 1.9)

Sunday, September 23, 2018

23rd of September 2018 - Church Anniversary

Title: A call to holiness

Main Text: 1 Thess 4:7-8

Preacher: Pastor Daniel Gbolahan

Some people are called into specific offices in the ministry. Some are called to be teachers, apostles, others Pastors, evangelists etc

There is also a call to salvation.
However, there is a calling (from God) to ALL of His Children. It is the call to Holiness

The first step to Holiness, is Repentance.

The first call of God is to Repentance
To repent means to turn from destructive ways 

What does it mean to repent?
To repent is not just to feel sorry for your sin, rather to change.
It means, I am not just sorry for the wrong I did, but i turned from the habit of repeating my sin.
When you repent, there is a change of will, direction, and change of mind.

When John preached, he stated, "Repent ye" (Matthew 3:1-3)
He was warning us to turn back to the way of God
The path of man is crooked, but the path of God is straight

Hence, you must put off old habits and constantly renew your mind (Ephesians 4:17-24).

God has given us The Holy Spirit to enable us live Holy. 
Remember, we must have a relation with The Father, and as his children, we must take up His nature, which is holiness (2 Cor 6:16-18)

Have a blessed week.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

22nd of September 2018 

Title: Profitable Servant (worker's meeting)

Main Text: Matthew 25:14-30

Preacher: Pastor Daniel Gbolahan

Not everyone in hell is there because they committed sexual immorality, theft, drug abuse and other things we would consider detestable.

The main text tells us of a servant cast in hell because he refused to use his talents unto God's profit. (Matt 25:14-30)

Profit means to be useful, of service or of benefit.
Anything of profit brings return to the investor
It is the proceed from investment, and anyone in business, understands the meaning of profit.

Foundation of Profitability To God
1) You must know the scripture (2 Tim 3:16-17)
To be profitable to God without taking time to learn His scripture, you are simply wasting your time. (2 Chron 25:1-2).
You cannot be profitable to God without learning the scripture.

2) Knowing The Lord must become your priority.
Do not put service before knowing God -(1 Chron 28.9, 2 Sam 6:1-10, Acts 20.20)

3) Be ready for persecution/trials from the Enemy, The Devil (Psalms 11:1-2).

4) Serving God on your terms is not acceptable to Him. He sets the rules (Matt 21:12-13).
If you hired a servant or an apprentice, does he work as he feels or based on your terms?
You do not dictate to God how you want to serve Him. 

5) His work takes precedence over my work. His will takes precedence over my will. My will must be subject to His Will (John 4:24)

22nd of September 2018 

Title: Raising Godly Standards II

Main Text: Ezekiel 22:23-31

Preacher: Pastor Daniel Gbolahan

Do you know, if you see someone doing wrong and don't correct them about their wrongdoing, God is displeased?

The answer is clearly defined in Ezekiel 33:7-10. 

Remember the story of David, after he committed adultery and murder ( 2 Sam 11:1-26), he was confronted by Nathan the Prophet. (2 Sam 12:1-15)

Imagine Nathan never confronted David, he would have covered his sins and God would have destroyed David.
However Nathan challenged David about his sin, David repented and God forgave Him.

Likewise, whenever you see something wrong, please point it out, rather than keeping silent. You are saving a soul when you do this.

If you do otherwise, it's like breaking the hedge as described in Ecc 10.8
If you lower the standard of righteousness, you are breaking the hedge.

21st of September 2018 

Title: Raising Godly Standards

Main Text: Ezekiel 22:23-30

Preacher: Pastor Daniel Gbolahan

A standard is an authorized sample. It could also be defined as a Rule used "as a basis" for judgement.

Jesus did not come to earth for us to have material wealth. 
Rather he valued our souls and was willing to sacrifice himself (to redeem us from hell)

However, in our main texts, (Ez 22 vs 25), God was displeased with the prophets of old because they "devoured souls"

How so? "They have taken the treasure and precious things". 
Please note, when God refers to something precious, he is not talking about money or material wealth.
What God considers precious is our soul.
Hence by depriving the word of God to guide the people (souls), they have made many women widows

Fact is, the truth sometimes hurt, and we avoid people who tell us the truth. 
So to please people, the priest  may hide the truth from the children of Isreal.

Verse 26 tells us the prophets profaned holy things and put no clear distinction between the clean and unclean.

God was really angry with the prophets, yet he remains merciful. He was seeking someone to stand in the gap and pray for the nation?

When God wanted to destroy Sodom, notice he discussed the matter with Abraham. He knew that Abraham would stand in the gap for the nation. Gen 18:17-33

Are you praying for your nation? 

Are you raising a godly standard?

Sunday, September 16, 2018

16th of September 2018 

Title: Looking unto Jesus

Main Text: Isaiah 45:22

Preacher: Pastor Thy Will

The biggest challenge we face (as children of God today), is that our priorities are not right.
Christ should be first, family second, and career third (1 John 2:16).
The worldly system in place  does it's very best to change our priorities away from God.
Always remember this world is temporary, and everything in it would one day pass away/come to an end.
What are your priorities?

Action Plan
Set Your Priorities Right

Sunday, September 9, 2018

9th of September 2018 

Title: Prayer

Main Text: Daniel 6:10

Preacher: Minister Samuel Oyekan

Prayer should be taken seriously, just like breathing.
If a person stops breathing, he/she dies.
Likewise, a prayerless life, is like a dead christian life

Prayers that are pleasing God

1) Die to your flesh (i.e. put an end to bad character/old sinful nature such as cursing, backbiting etc.) Phil 3:10
2) Praying God's perfect will his done. (Mt 6:10)
3) Prayers according to His scripture (John 9:31)

Today's Key Points

1) Time spent in prayer is never wasted
2) Prayer should not be used as a means to seek help only , rather to seek God
3) Prayer is like breathing. It unites our soul to God
4) Prayer without faith is a sin
5) Prayer is the cry of Hope
4) It is a channel of all blessings 
5) The more prayer = more power, little prayer = little power
6) nothing is impossible with God
7) Do not face a day, until you face God

Sunday, August 26, 2018

26th of August 2018 - Youth Service 

Title: A New Thing (Part 2)

Main Text: Isaiah 43:18-19

Preacher: Minister Maureen Ihua

There are certain actions that need to be met to invoke God's Spirit
One of the actions to take is the act of Sacrifice.

We can see an example in the book of 1 Kings 18:25-38.
After Elijah repaired the alter of God, and offered sacrifice upon it, God's presence descended from heaven.

Similarly, Solomon, in the book of (2 Chron 1:6-7), after offering a thousand burnt offering, God asked him to request whatever Solomon wanted, and He would do it for Him.

You may ask yourself, are burnt offerings the only thing that appeals to God?
We find the answer to this question in the book of 2 Chron 20:19-26.

When the children of Isreal began to praise God, He fought their battles and gave them victory.
Offering God a sacrifice of praise is more pleasing to Him than any burnt offering.

Action Point
Cultivate the habit of praising God 

Have a blessed week

Sunday, August 19, 2018

19th of August 2018 - Sunday Service Sermon 

Title: A New Thing (Part 2)

Main Text: Isaiah 43:18-19

Preacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Last week we discussed Isaiah 43:18.
This week, we would discuss Isaiah 43:19.

God has promised in His word, He would make a way in the wilderness
Before diving into God's promise, let us take a look at the Features of the wilderness

1) It is a place with No sense of direction
2) A place of lonliness
3) No comfort / peace / fruitless labour

Are you experiencing any of the above?
Dwell on His word that He would make a way in the wilderness

Very soon, God Will
1) Give you a new song
2) Divine Restoration
3) Remove your shame

Sunday, August 12, 2018

12th of August 2018 - Sunday Service Sermon 

Title: A New Thing

Main Text: Isaiah 43:18-19

Preacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi

God Himself said "I will do a new thing" in the book of Isaiah 43:18-19
When humans speak, they may lie, but when God speaks, He means it. He NEVER lies

"Remember not the former things" means

1) Do not dwell on your past failures

otherwise you begin to feel depressed, pain, anxiety, un-forgiveness, bitterness, guilt, sorrow, etc

2) Don't dwell on past achievements otherwise,  it could lead to 

- complacency
-  retardation
- false self-gratification

Also bear in mind, the Enemy is watching for a moment to strike.
He does it best during the time of negligence (Judges 16.20)

Have a blessed week

Sunday, July 8, 2018

8th of July 2018 - Sunday Service Sermon 

Title: Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

Main Text: John 14:1

Preacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Outlines for today
1) Guard Your Heart (Prov 14:23)
2) The Source of assurance
3) What do we do?

Guard Your Heart (Prov 14:23)
- When the devil wants to attack, he starts by messing with the mind
- He uses techniques such as fear (e.g fear of tomorrow)
- Thus, You have to guard your heart with all diligence (avoid bitterness and evil thoughts)
- another technique the devil uses is comparison. Never compare yourself to others

The Source of assurance
a) His Covenant with The Church (Is 41.10, Ps 89:34)
b) His Words are Yes and Amen (2 cor 1:20)
c) Keep your hope alive (Ps 119:81, Rm 10.9)

3) What do we do?
d) Pray persistently, until your joy is full. (Jhn 16.24)

Sunday, July 1, 2018

1st of July 2018 - Sunday Service Sermon 

Title: The Internal Enemy

Main Text:- Isaiah 3:10-11

Preacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi

God has assured us that he would help us with the external enemy. However, he needs our co-operation to deal with the internal enemy

What are the Internal Enemies?
1) Envy and Jealousy (James 3:16)
2) Bitterness and unforgiveness (Heb 12.15)
3) Deadly Poisons (Prov 23:31-33)
4) Stingyness (Ecc 11:6)
5) Pride and Ego (Dan 4:28-31)
6) Immorality (Prov 6:26)
7) Theft (John 12:5-6, Mal 3:8)
8) Wrath/Anger (Prov 22.24, Jm 1:20)

Search your heart, examine yourself
If you fail to kill any of these internal enemies, it could destroy you eventually.

Have a blessed week

Thursday, June 21, 2018

21st of June 2018 - Thursday Service Sermon 

Title: Overcoming The Storms of Life

Main Text:- Psalms 93 

Other bible texts: Jonah 1

Preacher: Pastor Kayode Ojo

A storm is something that controls your life against your wish (Acts 27:15).

It even causes you to lose everything you  have. (Acts 27:18)
Wind can bring storm, and if you sin, it's like fueling the storm
Unforgiveness could also attract storms in your life.

How to overcome The Storm
1) Flee sin
2) Do not fear 
3) Have faith in God
4) Deal with the source (Mk 4:39)
5) Once the source is dealt with, deal with the issue itself
6) Prevail In Prayer
7) Divine Intervention (Jhn 6:21)

Sunday, June 10, 2018

10th of June 2018 - Sunday Service Sermon 

Title: A New Beginning

Main Text:- Isaiah 46:16-19

Preacher: Pastor Mrs Hope Orimolusi

Irrespective of what you may be going through, (maybe you are feeling guilty about a terrible past, incurable sickness, physical or emotional pain etc), God is saying, give it me and I will give you a new beginning.
He would erase the negative and give you a beautiful beginning.

Steps to a new beginning

1) Forget the Past - (2 Cor 5:17)
2) Be willing to change 
3) Avoid comparison
4) Forgiveness
5) Desire it

Benefit of New Beginning

1) Your Failure becomes success  (Lk 5:1-5)
2) All round favour
3) Your dreams and desires (Is 55:11, Hab 2:3)
3) God will trade your mourning to dancing (Ps 30:11)
4) Honor replaces shame
5) Long awaited promises comes true
6) God will give you a new name (Is 62:2-4)
7) Divine Guidance (Ps 32:8)

Sunday, June 3, 2018

3rd of June 2018 - Sunday Service Sermon 

Title: The Act of Sacrifice

Main Text:- Psalms 107:21-22

Preacher: Minister John Adediji

There are many ways to give God sacrifice.

You may wonder how could you give God a pleasing Sacrifice?

It could be in the form of praise, worship, dancing, shouting, laughing, giving generously etc
You may not always feel like praising God, especially when you are feeling down.
This may be a test. Praise Him anyway

An example would be Paul and Silas in the book of Acts 16:25-26. 
When they praised God, the prison doors were opened and all their bands were loosed.

Praise Him today and forever.

Have a blessed week

Sunday, May 27, 2018

27th May 2018 - Sunday Service Sermon 

Title: Children are the heritage of The Lord

Main Text:- Psalms 127:1-5

Preacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi

To humans, there may be illegitimate children. However, God considers every child (born in and out of wedlock) as his heritage.

Parents are just caretakers of children, but all children belong to God.

Every Parent will give an account to God on how they raised their children.

Please train up your child in the way of God and it shall be well with you.
Have a blessed week (Prov 2:6)

Sunday, May 20, 2018

20th May 2018 - Sunday Service Sermon 

Title: Types of Friends

Main Text:- Proverbs 27.17

Preacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi

    A) Burden-bearer (E.g Elizabeth Lk 1.44-47)

     1) - someone that never belittles/ despises you 
    2) - Is never intimidated by your success
    3) - Believes in your dreams/visions
    4) - Encourages and inspires every aspect of your life
    5) - understands your dreams and passions

   B) Dream Maker (E.g Samuel, 1 Sam 9:19-20)
   1) - a friend that will make your dreams come true
   2) - clarifies your vision in life
   3) - Points you in the right direction

  C) Way Maker (e.g John the baptist Lk 3:15-17)
  1) - Never backbites or says evil about you
  2) - Publicly endorses you

Sunday, May 6, 2018

6th May 2018 - Sunday Service Sermon 

Title: Why did Jesus Christ come from the root of Jesse?

Main Text:- Matthew 1:1

Preacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi

David's Background

David was human, just like you and I. He was a sinner, yet God said "David is a man after my own heart"

Just to re-cap on some of David's flaws
1) Negligence of duty (2 Sam 11:1)
2) Murder (2 Sam 11:14)
3) Adultery ( 2 Sam 11:4)

Yet Jesus' genealogy was traced to David. Why?
1) Once God pointed out David's wrong, he immediately asked for forgiveness & repented (2 Sam 12:13)
2) He was industrious (1 Sam 16:11)
3) He volunteered to be a solution to a long-term problem in his generation (1 Sam 17:45)
4) Forgives easily (Mt 6:12, 1 Sam 24:6)
5) Loves worshipping God (Ps 122:1)
6) Appreciates God mercy 
6) Appreciates what others do for him (2 Sam 9:1)
7) He was generous (2 Sam 24:24)

Sunday, April 22, 2018

22nd April 2018 - Sunday Service Sermon 

Title: Don't believe the lies of the devil

Main Text:- John 8:44

Preacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi

The lies of the devil

1) That there is No Hope (Job 14:7)
2) Purgatory (Heb 9:27)
3) That there is no harm in wrongdoing (2 Pet 2:5, 2 Tim 4:10)
4) Hell can't accommodate any more soul [because its full] - (Prov 27:20)
5) That the Grace & Mercy of God cannot be withdrawn (Luke 9:62, 1 Pet 2:16)
6) Eternity is just like life on earth (Lk 16:19-31)

Sunday, April 15, 2018

15th April 2018 - Sunday Service Sermon 

Title: My times are in God's Hands

Main Text:- Psalms 31;15

Preacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Knowing our lives are in God's Hands 

1) we must cultivate the habit of praising & thanking God (Ps 31.15, Mt 6:34)

2) we should not be envious of the prosperity of others - Avoid comparison (Ps 37:1-2, Prov 24:19-20). 
3) we must work while it is day - avoid procrastination. (John 9:4, Ps 90.12)
4) Remember everything has an expiry date (Ps 30.5)
5) I must remember that no one can terminate my life before my time. My life is secured in Christ ( Ps 57.6)
6) Do not procrastinate the day of your salvation (2 Cor 6:2)
7) Keep eternity in view. where would you spend eternity?

Sunday, April 8, 2018

8th April 2018 - Sunday Service Sermon 

Title: Prayer

Main Text:- 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Preacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Anything that applauds the flesh, the Devil never hinders
The Devil never stops people from spending several hours watching movies, backbiting, or surfing the internet or social media.
But when it comes to prayer, he does everything in his power to resist it.

So Why Should I pray?

1) To foil the plans of the evil one (Matt 11:12)
2) So we don't fall, a victim of the end times (Matt 24:4-13),
3) For a better future (2 Pet 2:20, Mt 12:45)
4) So we finish the race of life well (2 Tim 4:6-7)
5) To fight for your destiny (nothing comes cheap) - Gen 32: 24-28
6) It is a place to obtain mercy (Heb 4:16)
Complaints can't do anything. Prayer is the key

- Father remove every spirit of Prayerlessness in me

Sunday, March 18, 2018

18th March 2018 - Sunday Service Sermon 

Title: Why me?

Main Text:- Psalms 22:1-2, Matthew 27:46

Preacher: Pastor Paul Orimolusi

Every single human, at some stage in their life, face some sort of difficulty
In such situations, you may ask God "Why me"?
Our Lord Jesus and King David (when faced with challenges), also asked God this similar question?

Always remember, when you are undergoing challenges, 

1) God could be trying to get your attention (Deuteronomy 18:2-4 & 2 Cor 8:2-4)
2) God may want to change the course of your destiny (1 Samuel 1:1-19)
3) God may want to prune you (2 Cor 12:7-10)
4) God wants you to put your full trust in Him (Romans 5:2-4)
5) God may be preparing something bigger than you can ever imagine (1 Samuel 1:1-19)

What to do in times of challenge

1) Think of at least one good thing God has done for you
2) NEVER compare yourself to others
3) Before jumping to conclusion, check with God if there is anything you are doing wrong
4) Always remember everything will work together for your good according to Rom 8:28

Have a blessed week

Sunday, March 11, 2018

11th March 2018 - Sunday Service Mother's Day 

Title: What type of mother are you?

Main Text:- Titus 2:3-5

Teacher: Minister Yemi Adedeji

Today, we would give for different types of mothers. What type are you?

1. Absentee Mother
Would you be described as an absentee mother?
You are never there when the family needs you? This shouldn't be the case. Learn to prioritize your task/responsibilities appropriately in a way that family comes first (Luke 15:11)

2. Favouritism Mother
When you play favourites, you are sowing seeds of discord
An example would be Rebecca. See Gen 27:34-40.

3. Warfare Mother
No matter what you or your family maybe going through, always take the matter to The King of kings (1 Kings 3:16-27).

4) Submissive Mother
When you respect your husband, you are laying a foundation of respect in your entire home (1 Pet 3:16)

Happy Mother's Day